Far, far, from the licensed to deal in forex retail outlets, from the sleek posh cars blinging down streets, on the sidewalks of which moneychangers- cum- users hiss “toita zvemarands/ toplaza- plaza? and shrill cries of “Bacossi airtime yese ” or whatever…far, far from all this, and from the eyes of the wabenzi (enamoured from the sea of squalor around them by their lifestyles to rival the rich and famous of the supra-First World) our institutions are dying.
From city council clinics manned by a single overworked, underpaid senior nurse in an environment that has become sterile in a tragic sense (afflicted by a severe drought of medication)but faced by multitudes in various degrees of ailment desperate for affordable treatment… through the decaying referral hospitals, where those you are referred to are conspicuous by their absence, and if you are admitted, you asked to bring your own blankets, a candle and box of matches (in the event of a powercut, and the the generators commissioned in stately pomp and fanfare, probably never got there, or were redirected- or are simply out of diesel and there is no Diesel N’anga to salvage the situation)…
…to halls of higher learning which have reached an all time low and have failed to rise to the occasion…remaining sealed up while lecturers battle to find ways to survive in near abject poverty yet we entrust them to educate the lights of our future, those starry- eyed youths whose enthusiasm must have surely waned as the star fade while they wander aimlessly at home wondering if their new semester will ever come…and no doubt pro- vice chancellors put on brave faces amidst derelict and crumbling brickworks….
It would seem the Super Patriots and Defenders of Sovereignty have forgotten:
Afrikan institutions are necessary
so as to help deliver Afrikan man into
a higher into a higher state of peoplehood
into a higher state of completeness.
Afrikan institutions are not the to misuse the world
but compliment its positive aspects
Afrikan institutions are to help in the completion
of the world in its purest form by instilling in our people identity, purpose and direction.
If we see value in this we see value in this
we see value in Afrika and the institutions of